The Church has always had the tradition of giving Mass stipends, whereby Catholics will ask a priest to celebrate Holy Mass for a particular intention and in return make him a gift in money or in kind. It is never a question of „paying“ for the Mass, which is impossible, but rather a gesture of support, gratitude and love. For many priests, above all in the poorest countries of the world, such offerings represent an irreplaceable contribution to their life and ministry, since more often than not they receive no regular salary. At the same time it is a great sign of love and charity to have Holy Mass celebrated for the living or the departed – indeed it is the greatest gift one can give another human being.
Last year we were able to pass on nearly 1.9 million Mass offerings to some 40,730 needy priests in almost every corner of the globe. They included the 15 Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans) working in Mexico, who have written to thank you for the 300 Mass intentions. The congregation is dependent on such offerings, among other things for essential medical treatment for its members, who come from many different nations.
Father Obiang Edou Yannick, who is from Africa, writes: „We would like to express our joy and gratitude to ACN and its benefactors for the support you have given and for the appreciation you have shown for our mission of primary evangelization among the Tenek and Nahuatl people in Mexico. Thanks to your support we were able to overcome a number of difficulties and problems we faced. May God bless you and may the mission of Christ reach to the ends of the earth.“
His confrere, Father Baltazar Hernández, also thanks you on behalf of all his fellow priests: „May God‘s grace, love and peace be with you! I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to ACN and your benefactors for your generous support during 2022 in the form of Mass intentions. Many thanks for this generous support, which has given us fresh courage to continue our missionary work among the most needy. May God fill you with his blessings in your work on behalf of those who have least of all.“

Mass intentions to be celebrated by 15 priests for partial coverage of medical expenses of priests of the Espíritu Santo Congregation.
This year, once again, thousands of needy priests will be looking forward gratefully to your Mass offerings.