Solar panels and a sewing machine for a community social centre

There is great rejoicing in Lisala, in the north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, over the new solar panels and sewing machines that you have generously funded and which have now arrived safely. The Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary run a centre here for handicapped people and for young single mothers. In fact the centre has been here since 1976, but it was totally looted during the fighting in 1997. Moreover, until now the centre had no electric power and very limited possibilities for helping.

 The idea of the centre is for the young mothers and the handicapped individuals to be able to learn sewing and needlecraft, so that they can earn a living and support themselves. Those with handicaps are also offered medical help. Needless to say, without electricity this was far from easy. So the 12,500 euros given by you, our benefactors, has been an enormous help.

 “At last we have light!”, they all say, rejoicing. And until now they only had a few sewing machines, which meant that every machine had to be shared between something like three to five people.

 Sister Jeannette and Sister Anastasie have written to thank us. “Our hearts are overflowing with unspeakable joy, as we write to thank you for responding to our appeal for these vulnerable people. We want to thank everyone, from the bottom of our hearts, who has in any way helped by responding to our appeal on behalf of the people of God in the diocese of Lisala, where we work. You have brought a fresh smile to the faces of all those who have benefited.”
