Latin America and Caribbean Meeting for Synodal Cooperation 2025: The Church as an agent of transformation

The international headquarters of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), in Königstein, Germany, hosted the Latin America and Caribbean Meeting for Synodal Cooperation 2025, between 10 and 14 March. This initiative, held under the aegis of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the Latin-American Bishops Council (CELAM) and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is aimed at strengthening synodal cooperation between a variety of institutions and organisations that work for international cooperation in the region. During the five-day meeting participants reflected on and discussed current challenges to international cooperation at a critical time for the region, which is undergoing constant change, as well as the promotion of community evangelisation, human development, and integral ecology. The purpose of the meeting was to consolidate a common vision on synodal cooperation, establishing concrete goals and highlighting the role of the Church as an agent of transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Furthermore, participants sought to identify new opportunities for synergy and cooperation to make the most of the initiatives currently underway, and to better coordinate initiatives with a special emphasis on the fields of migration and climate justice. 

Several organisations took part in the event, including ACN International, Adeniat, the Archdiocese of Cologne, BEGECA, CAFOD, Caritas Italy, Caritas LAC, CELAM, Development and Peace – Caritas Canada, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Good Shepherd International Foundation, Manos Unidas, Misean Cara, Mesereor, the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, Porticus, Secours Catholique – Caritas France, SELACC Caritas Peru and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Among the keynote speakers were Cardinal Michael Czerny and Cardinal Jaime Spengler, who addressed the challenges of the new context for integral human development from the perspective of synodality in the framework of evangelisation in Latin America. Regarding migration, Cardinal Fabio Baggio analysed the impact of the region’s migratory crisis, while the executive secretary of the CLAMOR Network, Elvy Monzant, highlighted the challenges and solutions as seen from the ground. 

Marcela Szymanski and Emilce Cuda gave an update on international cooperation scenarios, and Mauricio López reflected on the climate crisis and its global repercussions. Sister Gladis Montesinos, from REPAM, provided a territorial perspective on climate justice, and Humberto Ortiz Roca, from CELAM, shared an experience of synodal cooperation in the light of Populorum Progressio.

The meeting is supported by ZIGLA’s international team, who are accompanying the development of the conference and the strategic reflection process.

This event constitutes a key opportunity to strengthen international cooperation from a synodal perspective, promoting a community and transformative approach in Latin America and the Caribbean. In a challenging regional context, the construction of agreements and the consolidation of support networks are more urgent than ever, reaffirming the commitment of the Church and its allies as an agent of transformation in the promotion of integral human development and social justice.
