Persecuted for

being Christians

Nowadays, thousands of Christians in the world are persecuted or have experienced high levels of dsicrimination for their faith. They are true guardians of the faith, that’s to say, our faith! They need help to sustain themselves and keep the faith alive. You can support them, can’t you?

Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world today

Today, in the 21st century, more than 646 million Christians live in countries where religious freedom is not respected. Christian people like you and me suffer discrimination and contempt all the time. They cannot apply for certain jobs or receive a minimum of education, which leaves them forever mired in poverty. Many Christians are physically and psychologically abused. They are even forced to choose to run away and lose everything or live their faith clandestinely because living it openly can cost them their lives. Other people choose to manifest their fidelity to Christ publicly and face the consequences… “There are more martyrs today than there were at the beginning of the life of the Church”; said Pope Francis.

The persecuted Christians have a bomb-proof faith. They want to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, even knowing that they are in small numbers. Their testimony of life is an example for us.

"There are more martyrs now than in the first centuries of Christianity"

Pope Francis

Wherever Christian communities are threatened by poverty, violence and persecution, Christianity is in danger and bound to disappear. Help us support these brothers and sisters so that the Light of God can continue to shine in the neediest places. Your support is crucial in order to preserve the faith, our faith, where it is most threatened, and help Christians to remain in the land where they were born. Make a donation!

Persecuted Christians

The Catholic Church is bleeding, Christians are crying and asking for help. ACN, Aid to the Church in Need, has supported pastoral and emergency projects, but there is still much to be done.
Our brothers and sisters are asking for your help.

Persecuted Christians


Persecuted and discriminated Christians need support to sustain themselves, remain in their communities, and thus preserve their faith, our faith. They need catechetical material and the local Church needs to rebuild its temples, support the seminarians, and protect the communities from terrorist attacks. The priests and religious sisters, who are spiritual guides to those in need, also lack the resources to support themselves and thus serve the Christian communities.

Your help is very important to our brothers and sisters, who are the vanguard of our Church. They are bearers of peace, hope, and an example of coexistence. Christians are the light in the darkness, a flag that keeps Christianity standing in those places where it is so threatened. Help them!

A Pontifical Foundation with worldwide reach

Founded in 1947 as a Catholic aid organization for war refugees and recognized as a Pontifical Foundation since 2011, Aid to the Church in Need is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world, through information, prayer and action, wherever they are persecuted or oppressed or suffering material need

«I invite you all, together with ACN, to do a work of mercy in every part of the world.»


Aid to the Church in Need

ACN Global Office


+57 313 3262029

As a pontifical foundation, Aid to the Church in Need has a mandate to act for the benefit of the Church.