
Giants of faith and hope for many

The works of missionaries are an expression of Christ’s love for those who most need help. To carry the Word of God is to carry eternal life.


Giants of faith and hope for many


In many parts of the world, religious and missionaries are the ones who sustain the most vulnerable communities by bringing primarily the love of God, but also humanitarian assistance and aid and social development. The missionaries need our donations and prayers. With your collaboration, lives will be saved, the most needy will be cared for and God’s mercy will reach the most inhospitable places on the planet.

One out of every three baptisms in the world is celebrated in Mission territories.

There are 1109 mission territories, which extend through Africa, Asia, the islands of Oceania, and America. Mission territories comprise 37% of the universal church, representing one-third of the Catholic Church. Approximately 44% of the Church’s social and educational work is carried out in these mission territories, and they are home to 45.70% of humanity’s population.

Supporting a missionary has a profound positive impact on the communities where they operate. In numerous places, they represent the sole beacon of hope for those who possess nothing and lack anyone else to turn to!

Fueling Dreams, Sparking Hope: Your Prayer and Swift Support Transform Lives


A través de proyectos, ACN apoya a la Iglesia en su servicio de oración y acción, a cientos de millones de personas; proporcionando no solo una respuesta oportuna a las necesidades urgentes, sino también un signo de solidaridad con nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren en Cristo.

Means of transportation

A motorcycle, a boat, a bicycle, even a donkey, sometimes become indispensable means to bring the Word of God to the most remote places. Future priests need vehicles for their pastoral work from the seminary: visiting the sick, caring for families without resources, caring for the elderly who live alone, teaching catechism, among others. 

Training and sustainment

Every vocation must be carefully cared for, especially in the most disadvantaged countries. This involves meeting the costs of housing and living expenses during their stay in the seminary; providing scholarships and formation aids; supporting instructors and financing courses and spiritual retreats for their spiritual formation and pastoral commitment.


Future priests must have decent facilities and living conditions for their academic and spiritual formation. Seminaries have to face the reconstruction and maintenance of their buildings and the fitting out of rooms, which always implies a high cost that the center cannot afford.

Can you help us support them?


With offices in 23 countries and close to 400,000 benefactors, ACN is able to support an average of 5,000 projects in close to 145 countries each year.

Founded in 1947 as a Catholic relief organization for war refugees and recognized as a pontifical foundation since 2011, ACN is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world wherever they are persecuted, discriminated against or suffer material need, through prayer, information and charity.

ACN – Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH, HRB 8446 is non-profit organization officially registered in Germany and audited internationally by KPMG.

ACN International
Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH Bischof Kindermann Straße 23, Königstein in Taunus, 61462 HE Germany 

ACN Global Office Tel.: + 57 313 3262029

Email: info@acn-global.org

ACN International
Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH Bischof Kindermann Straße 23, Königstein in Taunus, 61462 HE Germany

ACN Global Office Tel.: + 57 313 3262029

Email: info@acn-global.org