We stand in solidarity with the Holy Father’s Urgent Plea for Prayer: Let us unite, offering one or more Masses, the most profound form of prayer, for Peace in the Holy Land. These Eucharistic celebrations will be led by priests in nations where our fellow Christian brothers and sisters face suffering and persecution.

An individual Mass for Peace in the Holy Land.

A Triduum Masses: A series of three Masses celebrated for Peace in the Holy Land.

A Novena of Masses: 9 consecutive Masses so that Peace may flourish in the Holy Land.

Be the Beacon of Peace for the Holy Land

When you request a Mass through Aid to the Church in Need, you are not only making a profound impact; you are becoming a lifeline of support for a priest in a land marked by poverty and religious persecution. This devoted priest will celebrate Mass on your behalf, offering prayers for the peace of the Holy Land and the souls lost in the midst of this devastating conflict.

These priests, entrusted with a divine mission, manifest Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, grant absolution for sins, bestow the grace of the sacraments, and share the Word of God. In addition to this, they will perform one or more Masses dedicated to your intentions, in this instance, your fervent desire for peace and the prayers you hold close to your heart.

Mass stipends represent your generous donations, specifically allocated for the celebration of Masses as per your intentions. For countless priests, these stipends, graciously received through ACN and made possible by compassionate individuals like you, serve as their sole means of sustenance. These contributions enable these humble servants to meet their most basic needs, including food and healthcare. The question arises: How many Masses can you help them with?

Remember, your donation for Mass stipends reaches its intended recipients in its entirety, making every prayer and every offering a true testament of your faith and love.

Mass Stipends: Fulfilling Basic Needs for Our Priests

Your generous contributions are the lifeline that allows our dedicated priests to meet their essential daily requirements, primarily putting food on their tables. Thanks to your support, many are granted access to crucial medical care and essential medications, ensuring they receive the vital healthcare they occasionally require. For our elderly priests, these donations serve as their sole means of financial sustenance, covering their necessary living expenses. Your compassionate assistance not only provides for their physical needs but also symbolizes the profound impact of your generosity on their lives.

Embrace Hope: ACN's Urgent Appeal for Peace in the Holy Land

Embrace Hope: ACN's Urgent Appeal for Peace in the Holy Land

On the fateful Saturday of October 7th, a sudden and unprovoked attack by Palestinian members of Hamas in Gaza shook the very foundations of Israel, coming from air, land, and sea. In its wake, over a thousand precious lives were tragically lost, leaving thousands more wounded and in pain. In light of this devastating situation, the Pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) stands in solidarity, expressing its profound sorrow and grave concern for the escalating violence that has engulfed the Holy Land.

ACN’s Executive President, Regina Lynch, passionately calls upon all of us to unite in a heartfelt campaign of prayer for peace. “As Christians, we believe that prayer is a powerful weapon against evil and a source of hope and healing. That is why we invite you to join us in a campaign of prayers for peace in the Holy Land. We join the call of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem for the immediate cessation of hostilities.”

Furthermore, Lynch extends her heartfelt sympathy, saying, «We share the sorrow of the families who have lost their loved ones and the distress of those who are injured or at risk. We pray to God to give them his consolation, his courage, and his hope. We pray for the healing and comfort of all those who are suffering from violence, fear, and grief.” Together, let us join hands and hearts in this endeavor for peace and compassion.

The support we receive enables us to visit Christian communities and families, conducting prayer sessions and training meetings. It is through your generosity that we can persist in dedicating our lives to the many souls entrusted to our pastoral care by the Lord.

ACN: Urgent call for prayer for peace in the Holy Land

«Let us unite in prayer for peace in Israel and Palestine, where violence has erupted with even greater ferocity, resulting in hundreds of lives lost and countless injured. I extend my heartfelt sympathy to the grieving families of the victims, and I offer my prayers for them and for all those enduring hours of terror and anguish. May the relentless cycle of attacks and weaponry come to an end, I implore! It must be understood that terrorism and war offer no viable solutions, only more death and suffering for the innocent. Let us never grow weary of invoking, through the intercession of Mary, the precious gift of peace.»

Pope Francis

Your donation will go towards this project or other similar projects.

A Pontifical Foundation with worldwide reach

Founded in 1947 as a Catholic aid organization for war refugees and recognized as a Pontifical Foundation since 2011, Aid to the Church in Need is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world, through information, prayer and action, wherever they are persecuted or oppressed or suffering material need

«I invite you all, together with ACN, to do a work of mercy in every part of the world.»


Aid to the Church in Need

ACN Global Office


+57 313 3262029


As a pontifical foundation, Aid to the Church in Need has a mandate to act for the benefit of the Church.