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As many people make New Year’s resolutions on New Year’s Eve, we would like to provide you with this free PDF scroll: Our New Year’s Commitments to God. You can pray with your family, place your home in God’s hands, and ask for His special blessings and protection for 2023.

Get your copy here

A beautiful poster to start the New Year by making a serious commitment to the Lord, our God.

Begin the new year 2023 with a firm commitment to the Lord Jesus. What better way to prepare for the beginning of the year than with a heart alliance.

Go ahead and download the poster and invite friends and family to fulfill the commitments together as part of your new year celebration.

These Commitments will help you to live the new year with a serious and true commitment to God for your holiness.


We will send you the material in PDF format by email



Founded in 1947 as a Catholic relief organization for war refugees and recognized as a pontifical foundation since 2011, ACN is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world wherever they are persecuted, discriminated against or suffer material need, through prayer, information and charity. With offices in 23 countries and close to 400,000 benefactors, ACN is able to support an average of 5,000 projects in close to 145 countries each year.


Means of transportation

A motorcycle, a boat, a bicycle, or even a donkey, sometimes become indispensable means to bring the Word of God to the most remote places. Future priests need vehicles for their pastoral work from the seminary: visiting the sick, caring for families without resources, caring for the elderly who live alone, teaching catechism, among others. 


Training and sustainment

Every vocation must be carefully cared for, especially in the most disadvantaged countries. This involves meeting the costs of housing and living expenses during their stay in the seminary, providing scholarships and formation aids; supporting instructors and financing courses and spiritual retreats for their spiritual formation and pastoral commitment.



Future priests must have decent facilities and living conditions for their academic and spiritual formation. Seminaries have to face the reconstruction and maintenance of their buildings and the fitting out of rooms, which always implies a high cost that the center cannot afford.

A Pontifical Foundation with worldwide reach

Founded in 1947 as a Catholic aid organization for war refugees and recognized as a Pontifical Foundation since 2011, Aid to the Church in Need is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world, through information, prayer and action, wherever they are persecuted or oppressed or suffering material need

«I invite you all, together with ACN, to do a work of mercy in every part of the world.»


Aid to the Church in Need

ACN Global Office


+57 313 3262029

As a pontifical foundation, Aid to the Church in Need has a mandate to act for the benefit of the Church.